
Fall 22FortniteOnlineUptime UnitedUptime United Fortnite Club – Fall 2022 (Online)




When: September 26th – December 9th
Age Group: Elementary to High School (9-18)
Skill Level: New to Advanced

Monday: Online Skills Session at 5:30 – 6:00 PM (EST)
Tuesday or Wednesday: Practice at 6:00 – 8:00 PM (EST)
Monday: Matches at 6:00 – 8:30 PM (EST)

Discord is the platform where practices and matches are held. Please type in your username(case sensitive) followed by the 4 numbers at the end.

One additional dedicated Uptime Elite practice each week with four other elite players and a coach (1:5 coaching ratio)



– 10 weeks of professional instruction
– In-depth weekly lessons breaking down key elements of the game to enhance player strategy and skill
– Players will learn healthy gaming habits with an emphasis on mindset and breaking up gaming time with physical activity
– Weekly opportunities to test your skills against others in the NECL, a national club esports league
– Entry into exclusive Uptime United Discord servers where players can interact with fellow club members and coaches.

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